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Good French Wines

Fashions come and fashions go but France's infinite variety and the allure of her classic regions remain constant. However, while a search for good French wines will take you through world famous areas like Bordeaux, Burgundy, the Rhone Valley and others, not all wines from these places match their reputations. At the same time, there are many fine growers in less well-known country districts making fantastic wines. It's all down to the buying.Plainly the top properties in prime districts with heavy demand can claim high, sometimes outrageous, prices but good French wines need not necessarily be expensive wines. We have tracked down talented growers, frequently young with the fresh outlook of the new generation, in most of the main regions, who are still offering value for money. Modestly priced Claret or Burgundy that is both impressive and affordable is a rare beast, but there are examples here - visit the appropriate sections for full details.Out in the country regions like the Languedoc and Franche-Comte there is still much that fails to inspire, but we have unearthed some real gems. Our definition of value for money is not that which is cheap, necessarily, but that which delivers quality realistically and the wine from this section form a particularly rich seam in a list founded on this principle.Whether your preference is for the fruit-driven styles of the southern hemisphere or you are disinclined to buy French products for whatever reason, you simply cannot escape the fact that France is still the planet's biggest source of quality wines in variety. For us, these will continue to be a mainstay of our selection.

Good french wines - click here to search

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